Abstract: This title is the first in a series of five novels chronicling the life of Egypt's greatest pharoah, Ramses II. The story opens with Ramses aged 14 years. His father, Sethi, has created a powerful empire and favours Ramses as his successor, rather than Ramses' scheming older brother, Chenar
Titolo e contributi: Ramses. 1, The son of light / Christian Jacq ; translated by Mary Feeney
Pubblicazione: London : Pocket, 1998
Descrizione fisica: VI, 360 p. : ill., 1 carta geografica ; 18 cm
EAN: 9780671010201
Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)
Paese: Regno Unito
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San Giorgio Bigarello - Sede Centro Culturale | A N STORICI JAC RAM | SG-14877 | Su scaffale | Prestabile |
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